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Taurus Moon Sign Vrish Rashi Horoscope 2019

Introduction- You are an eccentric person. Besides, you are patient and tolerant too. You do not easily get angry on others. You hate dishonest people. You are straightforward and eager towards love relations. Wit and withstanding a lot of pain is your forte. You look after a lot of people. You love to live and get on with others. You are generally lazy and love to live on your own. You are a bit reserved in nature and you can’t see the plight of others. This year will be fairly good for you. Friday will be your lucky day. On this day you can have success in all fields of life.


Nature- You are calm in nature and you cannot see the suffering of others, and so you try to help them out in your own ways. You have a strong personality. You have strong physical desires. You are likely towards love affairs. You try to find solutions from the various social troubles you face regularly. You are chubby and tall, with slightly dark complexion. You have high patience and you have mole on your right foot or waist.

Personality- You are always tensed about gaining wealth, but do not daydream. You are likely to be highly religious and you rely on the society and yourself. You try to protest against unsocial activities. You are respected in society. You do not easily get angry upon others, and your anger does not last long. You try to keep balance between yourself and the real world. You have a strong attraction towards females and you may develop love relations with multiple women. You own a lot of riches and show your efficiency in social activities. You love to bring up your child in your own ways. 

Family Life- This year will witness ups and downs in your life. You may not get any help from your family, but your effort, wit and hard work will bear fruits. Some influential person may help you to recover. Your friend fortune is good this year. Your sympathizing nature will be reflected in love and romantic matters. If any marital trouble crops up, others will accuse you. Your children’s behavior may hurt you. You will be inclined towards business. You may face problems in your job sector and some friend may turn to be a traitor. You may have to spend lot of money for the closed ones in the family. Be alert of your angry nature. You may suffer accidents this year. High blood pressure may trouble you. Your wife may suffer from health issues. Financial issues may cause family quarrels. You may inherit some ancestral property. Your rivals will increase and this year might give you problems of all forms. You may have to spend more than your total earning.

Financial condition- This year will bring changes in your financial state. You will be established in your life with your efforts and hard work. Some influential person may help you with money. This year will be a year of expenses. You might win a lottery.  If you are financially strong, you will get love from your family. Family life may give you some expenses. You may buy some property and build a new home. Expenses may be higher than earning. Business may give you profit. Financial issues may create family problems.

Health- Heath can give you mixed results. Mental trouble may give you health problems. You may suffer from health issues the entire year. There may be accidents happening to you. High blood pressure may cause trouble. Liver and brain problems may also arise. Your children will be okay, but your wife’s health may trouble you. At the end of the year, be alert from catching cold. Health problems will give you expenses.

Education- You will come out of troubles even if you face problems in your studies, but you have to be attentive to your studies. Higher education may happen to you and you may also go abroad for studies. Financial troubles may cause problems in education. Your father may help a lot financially in your studies. Competitive exams may give you success. Science, chemistry and mechanical studies may give you success. Your friends may help you in your education. 

Job and business- Your workplace may not be favorable, and there may be trouble brewing up. You have a misunderstanding with your colleagues. Some friend can harm your from behind your back. Unemployed men may get jobs this year. There may be brawls at your workplace without any reason, and this will increase your enemies at your job sector. You may have to work for a meagre salary. You will be more inclined towards business than job, and trade may give you success.  Your friends may help you in your business and you may get government aids for your business. This year will be lucky for men who sell commodities of daily life. Partnership business will be unlucky. People who are in rubber, leather, ornaments and transport business may have a meagre profit only. Government employees may get a transfer. Government job may give you a foreign trip.

Love and marital life- This year may give you marital problems, especially regarding money. You will not be able to win your wife’s heart in spite of your efforts. Your wife may show her greed and selfishness. Some women related affair may give you a bad name in society. Your long love relation may get seriously interrupted. Bachelors may marry this year. Your wife’s health will not go well, and you may have to spend a lot for it. Your children will remain safe and sound.

Friends – This year is good in terms of friends. Some foreign friend may help you financially. You may get help from your family, but your relatives may not help you. They will try to keep away from you. Brothers and sisters will have a good relation. You may be grieved by some friend’s death. 


Taurus women are generally very beautiful. They are committed towards their husbands, and polite in manner. You have a great religious knowledge. You may show special efficiency in fields of science, literature, art and acting. You have a great complexion. You are a great homemaker and a nice mother to your children. You love to live life in enjoyment and merry-making. Yu may suffer problems from eyes, shoulder and leg pain. You have a great inclination towards savings. You may develop relation with many males. Your marital life may not be happy. You will have 2 children, and they will give you happiness.